Sum Yoga - Yoga from the heart.
Yoga is called a ‘practice’ for a reason. It is a constant learning, a continuation of growth and self study.
Teaching yoga is something so special.
I’ve had instructors that have made me laugh till I cried. Yoga trainers that have made me grit my teeth in frustration. I’ve experienced break through moments when extending to a deeper expression of a pose. I’ve had moments of clarity when I was feeling very lost. It has calmed my temper. It has made me more compassionate. All of my teachers, past and present, leave something behind, every time they share their yoga with me.
They leave a piece of themselves.
Every class we shared, every ujjayi breath breathed in unison, every drip of sweat, every Om chanted.
This is what Yoga means for me. Me sharing a piece of my heart, with you.
Sum is the phonetic spelling of heart in Cantonese. I was born and raised in North London but the roots of my family origin are from Hong Kong. Chinese tradition and culture is deeply ingrained in me. Every incense I light before my yoga class takes me back to being a child and watching in awe as my Mother burned incense to the Chinese deities. Twice a day, every day. One day I was old enough to take over the sacred ritual.
The sensation of offering to something that vibrates much higher then you but you’re not entirely sure what or who…Shenism will forever be a part of me. The Southeast Asian name for the religion is the Sanskrit expression ‘Satya Dharma’ (literally "Truth Law").
So…Sum yoga, meaning yoga from the heart.
My aim is to share what yoga has taught me. How yoga makes me feel, how yoga can unite people. It can make you stronger, calmer, kinder.
It changed my life. I believe it can change yours.
And you if you don’t fancy it, I won’t make you chant :)
Jacqui x